WebServer Management
Denied Access
Why are you seeing this message?
- 1. Because illegal activity was previously detected from your Internet Service Provider.
- Solution:- You may want to try again using a different ISP.
- 2. Because illegal activity was previously detected from your IP address.
- Solution:- Contact us to reset the address you are using - see below.
- 3. Because of a server error.
- Solution:- Contact us with as much info as you can provide - see below.
Click here to show your IP address in a new tab or window
To fix the problem, we may need to reset your address to allow access.
Please check the link above and send your IP number to:- David@u4it.com
- You may also want to scan your system for all forms of malware, trojans, viruses etc.
- Your machine may have already been a zombie used and controlled by hackers.